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I'm Deep Throat

I'm Lea, and I'm a failed actress and semi successful freelance writer.I've been a phone sex operator for 10 years. I talk to men while they masturbate, and I get paid for it.This podcast features real calls, and my stories about all the encounters I have had, past and present. Some are funny, some are terrifying, some are really sad. I hope you dig it.This really is the filthiest podcast in the world. And, yes, my parents know what I do. They aren't proud, but they're thrilled that I'm not a Scientologist and that I don't do hard drugs (anymore).You can contact me at:circuslady01@gmail.com Tip Jar:PayPal/me/ImdeepthroatI also write, read my work here: www.medium/me/Imdeepthroat

I'm Deep Throat